I really liked my finished project.
Friday, October 14, 2011
BLOGIVERSARY CHALLENGE: Monochromatic Color Challenge!
I really liked my finished project.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
As always thanks for looking and look forward to one last challenge. The monochromatic challenge. I already of the project in mind so I should be done in plenty of time.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The Challenge: Use your Cricut machines to create a project using the following “recipe.” It must contain 1) A Title; 2) Atleast 2 Cricut Cuts, and 3) Atleast 3 buttons.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
BLOGIVERSARY CHALLENGE on the Cricut Circle Blog
The 1st one is from this challenge
The Challenge: Use your Imagine Machine to print a background (it can be a solid color or a patterned paper from your Imagine cartridge) and use it on your project as well as cutting an image of your choice in layers- that’s right, choose the layers option on your image and print out one or all of the layers offered, piece them together on your project!
So I made this cute cupckae card for a friend of mine.
It's really no secret that a few months after I won my Imagine I began to hate it and this would be the last prject that I made with it because I sold the machine the very next day.
For the next challenge we were asked to create a project of your choice with one or more of the Cricut Circle Exclusive cartridges! (French Manor, Shall We Dance, Cricut Everyday, Pop-Up Neighborhood, or Sophie) Your project must include atleast 2 different Cricut Image Cuts. And YES! You can mix in other cartridges with your Circle Exclusive cartridges.
A friend of mine asked to make a card for her to give to a friend and showed me a picture of the gift bag she bought. It was very vintage french so it was nonbrainer that I would turn to French Manor to help me make the perfect card. I found the back on the internet and knew it was just the right element to make my card pop! I added some bling to really set it off.
Thanks for looking and keep checking back as there are still afew more challenges I need ot work on.